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How to Cultivate Tin Fruit in Pots for Beginners

How to Cultivate Tin Fruit in Pots for Beginners

Makintau - Interested in cultivating figs? If yes, this article is suitable for those of you who for beginners, PTD will share some ways that you can follow.

Have you ever heard of the word fig tree? This name is often found in the Bible or Alqur-an but only limited to words.

Fig trees have begun to be developed in Indonesia as tin trees or known in the scientific language Ficus carica L.

While the fame of this plant has long been in parts of the Middle East, Europe, America and Western Asia. In addition to its global name, this plant turns out to have many benefits for humans.

Coumarin content prevents Prostate cancer, calcium content prevents Osteoporosis disease and increases bone density, suitable for milk allergies, as a dietary food, maintains blood sugar levels and avoids coroner's heart disease.

In addition, figs are believed to prevent breast cancer, reduce cholesterol in the blood, cure skin diseases and the benefits of fig tree leaves that can be used as tea brew.

Cultivation of Figs in Pots

Naturally, the name of the fig tree is very high because of its benefits, for those of you who are interested in cultivating this tree, here is how to cultivate figs in pots:


Tin cultivation can be done through 3 techniques that you can develop. Breeding with seed propagation, propagation with stem steak and propagation by grafting technique.

1. Propagation with Seeds

  1. Use old and dried fruits, dry the seeds and store.
  2. Seeds that have been dried are then soaked with water, floating seeds have poor quality while drowning seeds have the best quality.
  3. Prepare a medium for sowing, you can take advantage of polybags or scattering land. Use a mixed medium of soil, husks, manure and sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 1.
  4. Spread the seeds on the seeding medium, then cover with thin, even soil.
  5. Carry out watering on the planting medium. Seeds will germinate after 3 weeks. Transfer seedlings to a height of 15 cm, to prepare on a permanent land.

2. Propagation with Stem Cuttings

  1. Sort the type of stem that is old and sturdy, cut the stem or branch of the tin plant size 10-15 cm by cutting it obliquely.
  2. Perform seedlings on sand and compost media.
  3. Carry out daily watering on the planting medium. In 45 days, the tin tree will have many trunks so that it is ready to be moved to new land.

3. Propagation with Grafts

  1. Use tin trees whose trunks are young and green.
  2. Prepare transparent plastic, then wrap the tin tree trunk to be grafted with coconut coir that has been wrapped in transparent plastic.
  3. Try to length the graft 10 to 15 cm only.
  4. Tie the graft media at the base and end using a rope.
  5. Flush the graft media every day. At the age of 30 to 45 days the graft will have many roles so it is transferred to a new medium.

Planting Area Setup

Preparation of tin planting land can be done by utilizing pots as a planting medium or by utilizing open land, each with its own advantages.

Use fertile and good soil with a ratio of soil and manure 1: 1, then place the pot on an area that is affordable for sunlight.

The use of open land can be done by making planting holes 50cm x 50cm, depth 50-60cm.

Before use, fill the hole with manure and rice husk mixture and leave it for 1-2 weeks so that it scatters the soil.

The advantage of utilizing potting media is faster fruit harvests and trees that can be controlled properly, nutrients will be perfectly absorbed by trees and do not require a large enough land.

Planting and Care

Large-growing seedlings can be transferred into pots, then covered with earth and compacted. Adaptation of figs is actually in hot areas so that it does not require too much water, especially in the rainy season.

Do watering in case of dry drought and figs require water intake. Fertilization of tin trees is carried out at the beginning of planting and then at the age of 2 years.

It is useful not to easily knock the leaves of the figs and speed up the fertilization process.


Harvesting figs at the age of 4-5 months after planting. In the summer, fig trees or figs will produce more fruit and a faster harvest time ripens. Mature fig trees are able to reach a height of about 35 meters.

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