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7 Calcium Vegetables for Bone Health

7 Sayuran Kalsium untuk Kesehatan Tulang
7 Sayuran Kalsium untuk Kesehatan Tulang

Makintau - During this time, when talking about the source of calcium, surely most people immediately think of milk and processed products. However, it is necessary to know that calcium can not only be obtained from milk, but also from other foods such as vegetables. Curious about what are the calcium vegetables that can meet the needs of these nutritional intakes? See this!

1. Spinach

The food that is a favorite of the cartoon character 'Popeye' is one of the vegetables rich in calcium. In 100 grams of spinach, calcium is contained as much as 136 milligrams. The amount of calcium can be sufficient for about 10 percent of the daily calcium needs. So that the nutrients can be obtained to the maximum, you should cook spinach by sautéing it for a while, not boiling.

2. Mustard

Who among sayurfriends really likes pakcoy vegetables. Vegetables, which are one of the complements to the chicken noodle dish, can also be a source of calcium to meet daily calcium needs. Sayurfriends can get calcium intake of 93 milligrams or equivalent to 7 percent of the daily calcium requirement of 100 grams of pakcoy.

3. Collard Green 

Mustard greens, also known as wild mustard greens, are vegetables that can meet up to 11 percent of daily calcium needs. At 100 grams of mustard greens, the calcium content it has is about 141 milligrams. Collard green is also known to contain vitamin K which will be able to help the process of calcium absorption by the body.

4. Green Radish

The next calcium vegetable that can be consumed to meet the daily calcium needs of the body is green radish or green radish leaves. This green radish leaf contains calcium as much as 137 milligrams in its 100 grams of serving. The amount of calcium can meet as much as 11 percent of the body's daily calcium needs.

5. Kale

    Kale, which is a vegetable from the cabbage group, contains as much as 132 milligrams of calcium per 100 grams of serving. The amount of calcium can meet the daily calcium needs of as much as 10 percent. Sayurfriends can consume kale as a salad, to be able to get their calcium intake optimally, as well as other nutrients contained in it.

6. Broccoli

     Vegetables that are easy to find around Sayurfriends such as broccoli, can also be a mainstay to help meet daily calcium needs. Calcium contained per 100 grams of broccoli is as much as 40 milligrams, where this figure can be sufficient as much as 3 percent of the daily calcium needs.

7. Bean sprouts

     Tauge bisa menjadi pilihan Sayurfriends untuk membantu memenuhi kebutuhan kalsium harian. Kalsium yang dapat diperoleh per 100 gram tauge adalah 59 gram, dimana jumlah tersebut dapat mencukupi 5 persen kebutuhan kalsium harian. Sayurfriends bisa mengolahnya dengan cara direbus, tapi jangan sampai terlalu layu.

2 comments for "7 Calcium Vegetables for Bone Health"

  1. Nama² sayur ini mengingatkan saya pada nama karakter anime Dragon Ball Z, yang memang diambil dari nama2 sayuran.

  2. semua sayur ni memang sedap dimakan.
