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Mahogany Fruit and Its Benefits for Life

Mahogany Fruit and Its Benefits for Life

Makintau - If you are walking in the square area of Yogyakarta to Jalan Malioboro, your eyes will be spoiled by the colony of people selling mahogany fruit crafts that are very beautiful. Starting from small, medium, to height sizes beyond humans. 

Starting from the stem, leaves, until the seeds of mahogany fruit are alone. All of them have their own aesthetics and beauty.  

But there is something special about the review of planting companions this time, it turns out that mahogany can not only be processed into handicrafts worth high rupiah. The seeds of the fruit contain chemical compounds that are beneficial for the health of mankind.

Mahogany fruit or Mahogany is a large treey plant that has the scientific name Swietenia macrophylla. The height of the tree can reach more than 40 meters in the interior of the tropical rainforest, and can reach a height of up to 25 meters in large urban areas. 

Because of the characteristics of the place of growth that uses dry areas, mahogany trees are often deliberately planted and found as shade trees on the side of the road or yard of the house.

The leaves function as a filter for pollutant particles in the air which then produces the element O2 or what we know as oxygen. The shape of the leaves is rounded long with a slightly pointed tip. 

The surface is wavy, shiny, dark green in color and very lush. In addition to acting as a plant that releases a lot of oxygen, mahogany leaves that are still fresh also have benefits as a decoction material to relieve asthma.

Mahogany fruit has a slightly oval round surface shape like an egg, notched squared pentagon with a brownish tint. While the seeds are flattened like scales colored blackish, and layered. The following will be mentioned one by one the benefits of mahogany fruit to relieve and overcome health problems that hit the body.

Promote Irregular Menstrual Circulation

For a woman, menstruation is the body's natural process to shed the uterine wall that is not fertilized by the likema. But adulthood now with the development of times, pollution, and lifestyle often make the cycle of menstruation hampered or become irregular. 

Some people in the Java region make the decoction of mahogany fruit seeds as a herbal medicine to launch irregular periods and also reduce pain or cramps that come from the process of shedding the rahm wall.

Mahogany Fruit to Promote Blood Circulation

Mahogany fruit is known to contain Flavonoid compounds that support the process of smooth blood circulation. It clearly helps the heart's working system become more stable and pressure-free. Your heart will be healthier and avoid heart disease.

In addition, the arteries will widen and pave the way for blood so that the resistance of blood travel to the whole body is not disturbed. 

This is a claim of mahogany fruit that can maintain heart health and prevent the body from attacks of high blood disease or hypertension. 

You can consume mahogany seeds brewed with warm water. After that strain and drink as you eat tea in the morning and evening.

Reduces the Risk of Decreased Brain Function

Just like Ginko biloba fruit which comes from a large treey plant, mahogany fruit stores a high antioxidant content that serves to smooth blood flow to the brain. 

So that the reception of oxygen can take place properly, in order to avoid diseases related to memory or function such as injuries to the brain and Alzheimer's disease. 

This is the basis for routine consumption of this brown fruit in order to continue to maintain brain function still working properly. There are millions of nerves in the brain that we have to protect and that's not a difficult thing anymore.

Serves as an Anti-Pain and Anti-Inflammatory

People who grow mahogany plants must know the benefits of these shady plants. One of them is to reduce to relieve pain and inflammation due to bruising or bumping something.

Flavonoids in mahogany fruit also serves to prevent tissue damage that can cause inflammation or inflammation.

By consuming a decoction of mahogany seeds less than 200 grams per day, you have taken precautions against tissue damage in the body due to daily activities.

Good for People With Diabetes Mellitus

Interestingly, mahogany fruit is not only able to smooth blood circulation but also become a natural alternative to relieve diabetes. The content of metformin in mahonni fruit seeds has very good benefits for diabetics. 

Moreover, it is known that metformin is one of the composition of drugs for people with sugar disease. It was then further developed by researchers to find the healing effects of diabetes in certain groups.

For those of you who suffer from chronic sugar disease, it is advisable to consult a family doctor to find out the right dose in consuming seeds of this uniquely shaped fruit.

As a natural Anti-Allergen

Scientists who researched mahogany fruit found the presence of saponins, enough to relieve allergies or anti-allergic and asthma that is effective in some people. Some health problems such as nasal congestion and excessive sneezing are also early allergy symptoms that must be treated immediately.

For prevention, you can consume 1 small capsule of mahogany seeds every day. And prove that the allergies you suffer from will decrease.

Provides a Relaxing Effect

In addition to treating the effects of allergies, saponins also serve to provide a relaxing effect and a sense of calm for people who consume mahogany fruit. Some of the impacts arising from stress such as excessive anxiety, headaches and diarrhea can be overcome only by routinely eating this bitter mahogany fruit.

Overcoming Insomnia

Still about the impact of stress that also propagates on the quality of a person's sleep. It is recommended not to consume mahogany fruit in excess. Use it only when you need it. For those of you who have insomnia or difficulty sleeping, drinking mahogany fruit stew water is more recommended than having to take commercial drugs in order to sleep.

To avoid blood clots

Saponins found in mahogany fruit also make this fruit as a natural remedy to avoid the state of blood clots. It is also linked to headaches due to more serious blood clots in these vital parts.

High Antioxidant Content

Amazingly, mahogany fruit, both processed and not, can still lock in the best high antioxidant content. These substances are certainly needed by the body to facilitate blood circulation, help the body's immune system to work optimally and become the main shield from free radical attacks.

Overcoming Constipation and Digestive Problems

Then the last is, the content of mahogany fruit that is able to overcome problems in your digestive tract such as difficulty defecating, and constipation.

Some residents who are affected by diarrhea also claim to consume mahogany seeds to restore the texture of liquid impurities.

This makes the researchers believe that mahogany fruit can fix problems in the digestive system.

Seeing the information above at length assures us that mahogany seeds are very beneficial for human health. And not just for human health. 

Some batik cloth artisan industries use mahogany tree bark as a very concentrated natural dye. Even the wood occupies the position of the strongest wood after teak wood which is then processed into furniture and crafts. Interested in growing this plant in the yard?

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