4 Tips for Cultivating Sweet-Fruited Mangoes
Makintau - Who doesn't know mangoes? This fruit is loved by everyone in the world. Mango plant is a fruit native to India and then spread to various regions to the whole world. Often, the growth of mangoes is awaited by many people. Cultivating sweet-fruited mangoes is also interested in doing.
When tasting mango fruit, it tastes sweet, but not infrequently there are also mangoes that have a slightly sour taste. Of course, the fruit that has a sweet taste is the most awaited by the community. The sweet or sour taste of the mango fruit, depending on how to cultivate the mango itself.
There are several things that need to be considered in cultivating mango plants for sweet fruit. However, not everyone knows the tips.
The following are tips for cultivating sweet-fruited mangoes.
Mango Seeds
In the selection of mango seedlings, of course, it must be considered, because if the plant seedlings are of quality then the results will also be of quality.
Good mango seeds can be taken from the graft itself by doing grafts on mango trees that are good and have flourished. To get a good graft result, note that the plant has no branches but has an upright stem.
Preparing the Land
After getting good mango seedlings, then next is to prepare a suitable land for mango cultivation. Pay attention to the land used, do not let any grass or other wild plants perched, because it will interfere with the process of planting mango trees. Before planting mango trees, it would be nice to grow the soil used.
Planting Process
In planting mango seedlings, there are several things that must be considered such as the way and also the type of soil. Make sure the soil used is fertile and suitable for planting.
Preferably, give the soil with a mixture of compost, so that the tree can quickly bear fruit and also to compact the soil enough.
When planting mango seedlings, do not forget to put distance between other plants. Stretch the planting distance of mango trees by about 10 meters, so that the growth of mango trees is better.
Just like other plants, cultivating a sweet-fruited mango tree also requires good and correct care in order to grow optimally.
In carrying out maintenance, pay attention to the environment of mango tree plants. Carry out pruning, watering, expulsion of pests that disturb the plant, and adequate nutrition.
Pruning on the branches and branches of mango trees that are already unproductive. This is done to help the process of photosynthesis in mango plants, so that fruit formation will increase. In addition, pruning is also done so that the tree avoids disease.
Do not give too much or less water, because mango trees are suitable for soils that have moderate moisture. However, when the mango tree plant has just been planted, the water needed is quite a lot. Do watering every week regularly until the mango tree grows 8 weeks old.
Remove Annoying Pests
Overcome pests that interfere with the growth of mango trees, because it can cause disease in the tree. Also eliminate weeds that stick and benalu that absorb plant nutrients. Use organic pesticides for prevention.
Provide Adequate Nutrition
The provision of high phosphorus and protein nutrients in mango trees can stimulate the formation of flowers. These nutrients are given through organic and inorganic fertilizers on the tree, in order to strengthen the roots of mango plants.
Those are some tips in cultivating mango trees that bear sweet fruit. Take good care of it, and also often pay attention to the planting environment.
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