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Nutritional content and benefits of lime

Nutritional content and benefits of lime

Makintau - Who wants to eat lime? Maybe few people can eat it round and round. The taste of lime is wry and tends to be bitter. Commonly used to enrich the taste of dishes or drinks. However, behind it turns out that this fruit has a myriad of benefits.

Lime is produced from a herbaceous plant with the Latin name Citrus aurantifolia, or in English called Key Lime. The fruits are small, on average measuring 3-6 cm. The skin is pitch green to yellowish green.

Lime is a typical plant from southeast Asia. But now the spread has been worldwide, ranging from Europe, Africa to the Americas. The plant has few pests and is quite adaptable, it can be grown in a wide climatic range.

Vitamin Content

Lime is rich in various vitamins, minerals as well as other substances. No wonder if this fruit is often used as a symbol of various vitamin products or dietary supplements. On average, a lime contains 30 mg of vitamin C. This amount can be sufficient for up to 30% of the daily needs of vitamin C of the human body.

Vitamin C has a very central role for the growth and development of our body. Vitamin C is easily carried out of the body through urine. So, every day the body needs a continuous intake of vitamin C.

Vitamin C is needed for the growth and repair of damaged body tissues. It is important to help the process of forming skin, muscles and blood vessels in the body. Also maintains the strength of bones and teeth.

Vitamin C is also an antioxidant substance that can ward off free radicals. As is well known, free radical substances play a role in the aging process and are also accused of being one of the causes of cancer and various other diseases. The existence of these free radicals is spread all around us.

Not only vitamin C, lime is also one of the sources of vitamin A, vitamin B and folate. The most well-known function of vitamin A is to maintain eye health. Besides that it helps the formation of new cells and cure inflammation.

While B vitamins have benefits to help the performance of the central nervous system to support our immune system. Folate content in lime is also beneficial for pregnant women where the need for folic acid intake is needed to prevent the risk of disability in babies.

Benefits of Lime

In traditional medicine, lime is widely used to treat or relieve various health problems. Here are some of the benefits of lime for the health and beauty of the body:

  • Helps get rid of acne
  • Helps take care of the quality of facial skin
  • Helps brighten facial skin and remove acne scars
  • Helps treat various hair health problems such as loss, hair loss, oily scalp, and unruly hair
  • Helps eliminate body odor by smearing the inside of lime with betel lime and then applying it regularly on your armpits
  • Very good for diet
  • Helps smooth digestion
  • As a source of vitamins and minerals
  • Helps to cope with constipation
  • Helps treat jaundice
  • Helps to overcome the problem of urination
  • Helps strengthen immunity
  • Helps relieve coughing
  • Helps treat tonsils

Lime can be used in a variety of ways. Can be eaten directly, when strong, or mix it with honey or other herbal ingredients, make juice, and so on. This will not reduce the benefits.

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